Change: to make different

Oct 31, 2024


Most people dislike change, as humans we prefer the known to the unknown.

A healthy routine can enable a person to function throughout the day. We re-watch our favourite shows on Netflix and re-read novels as a source of comfort – because we know how it ends. We know what is coming next.

People fear the unknown. Unfortunately for many people who experience homelessness the unknown is all they have. Not having a safe suitable place to live can impact on the rest of your life. From the family living with grandparents to the young lady, sleeping rough, just out of Care, with no where safe to go.

Not knowing brings fear. Survival mode kicks in. Those impacted endure additional stress which greatly impacts their quality of life.

What we have in place, at the minute, is not working.  We are in a housing crisis, and the number of people experiencing homelessness is still increasing. Government budgets set aside for homeless prevention work, have been swallowed by temporary accommodation costs.

They homelessness system as it exists today is not working for too many people. We cannot stay the same. Our knowledge has evolved. Homelessness comes in many forms and the reasons behind it are multi-level and complex. In the main, it results from structural factors related to poverty and deprivation.

It’s Time for Change.

We need to listen to those who have experienced homelessness and become aware of the current issues they face. How can you successfully fix a problem if you don’t know what that problem is? You can’t. We need to engage with groups on a local and regional level.

This will take resources – money, and time. There is no quick fix to these issues. A tick box/one off project will not suffice. We need long term investment.  There exists a wealth of knowledge, owned by those who have used homeless services, just waiting to be tapped in to. Ideas, suggestions and solutions that will improve the quality of homeless services here in Northern Ireland.

However, having an awareness of current issues and implementing change to policy and practice is not enough. As a society we have let too many people who have experienced homelessness down. We need to recognise that fact.

We contribute to the problem when we voice our blame of others. When we turn a blind eye. When we talk about people who experience homelessness in a negative light, as if losing your home is a sign of low moral character.

We have a duty to those we have let down. To those we have wrongly judged. To those who have been stigmatised. Let’s seek the change we so urgently need to see together.

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Nikki McConville is Lived Experience Coordinator at Homeless Connect



In the media


Home Starter Packs

Frontline Network


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