Homeless Connect welcomes two new board members

Dec 16, 2024

Homeless Connect is pleased to announce that our board has recently added two new members. Following an open application process, Liam Hagan and Lee-Maria Hughes have been co-opted on to our board.

Liam Hagan

Liam comes to the board with twenty-five years of experience of holding senior positions in public sector organisations including the then Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (now the Department of the Economy) and Invest NI. Having previously volunteered with the Welcome Organisation, Liam wants to bring his skills and experience to the board so that he can make a contribution to responding to homelessness here.

Lee-Maria Hughes

Lee-Maria has been a passionate campaigner and advocate for people experiencing homelessness since the death of a close relative who had been homeless. She brings particular insight into the importance of placing the voices of people with lived experience at the heart of our work as an organisation. Lee-Maria currently works as a Customs Compliance Officer and regularly volunteers with the Welcome Organisation.

We look forward to working with Liam and Lee-Maria as we together seek to take the journey to ending homelessness in this society.

You can see a list of the other members of the Homeless Connect board here.


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Home Starter Packs

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