Over 5,300 children living in temporary accommodation in the run-up to Christmas

Dec 12, 2024

Press Release 

Over 5,300 children living in temporary accommodation in the run-up to Christmas

The Department for Communities released the latest edition of its homelessness bulletin this morning. The statistics show that in November 2024, 5,378 children were living in temporary accommodation in Northern Ireland. 3,385 of these children were aged nine and under. This is an increase of 121% since January 2019 when just over 2433 children were living in temporary accommodation.

The statistics show that the number of households living in temporary accommodation has more than doubled since January 2019. In November 2024, 4908 households were living in temporary accommodation, compared with 2065 in 2019. This is an increase of 138% in that time.

Between April and September, 8250 households presented to the Housing Executive as homeless. 5393 households were accepted as homeless between April and September.

Belfast recorded the highest rate of presentations with 7.5 presentations per 1000 people (2,597 presentations in total between April and September). They were followed by Derry City and Strabane Council (960 presentations) which had a rate of 6.4 and Mid and East Antrim Council area at

4.8. The average number of household presentations per 1000 people across NI as a whole was 4.3.

Our Response

Nicola McCrudden, Chief Executive of Homeless Connect said:

“In the run-up to the festive season, it should shock us all that more than 5,300 children are spending Christmas in temporary accommodation. I know that homelessness services who provide accommodation and support will do their very best to make this a happy time and ensure that no one goes without. However, understandably, what families really want is a home of their own.

Sadly, for many experiencing homelessness, having a place of their own is becoming an aspiration. The rising numbers of people needing temporary accommodation, because they have no other option, can be directly linked to the severe shortage of housing generally and social housing more specifically.

The main reason for families and single people presenting as homeless to the Housing Executive is that their current accommodation is not suitable for a variety of reasons including disability, financial difficulty, violence and overcrowding. Other significant factors include breakdowns in sharing arrangements and loss of rented accommodation – which is becoming more frequent as many tenants struggle to meet rising rental costs.”

Positive Measures

In recent months, the Minister for Communities has announced a range of positive measures including the publication of a housing supply strategy and his intention for a specific allocation for homelessness prevention.

Commenting on these measures Ms McCrudden said: “Homelessness is solvable. If we are to turn the curve on homelessness, we need to increase housing supply and affordability – including tackling issues of poverty. We need long-term, committed investment in housing provision, in homelessness prevention and funding for key interventions to support people at the right time and in the right place.

Homelessness is first and foremost about people – families, children, younger and older people who need access to healthcare, education, training and employment and to feel part of a community – so a cross departmental approach is needed, including new ways of working with more collaboration and a can-do attitude.”


  1. You can read the Department for Communities Homelessness Bulletin and the accompanying data tables here.


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