South West Local Area Group- Advice Clinic

South West Local Area Group- Advice Clinic

During Homelessness Awareness Week, the Housing Executive‘s South West Homelessness Local Area Group will be running an advice clinic. This drop-in clinic will offer advice on housing, finance and benefits, including available information on local support services....
All Party Group on Homelessness event- Turning the Tide

All Party Group on Homelessness event- Turning the Tide

On Monday 4 December, the All Party Group on Homelessness will be holding an event to mark Homelessness Awareness Week 2023. The event will focus on what this society needs to do if we are to turn the tide on the rising levels of homelessness in NI. There will be...
Homelessness Prevention Forum marks 10 years

Homelessness Prevention Forum marks 10 years

During Homelessness Awareness Week, the Homelessness Prevention Forum will mark its tenth anniversary with an event at Ark Housing. Supported by a memorandum of understanding, the forum has worked tirelessly to ensure a collaborative approach to homelessness...
Turning the Tide- Sharing Conversations

Turning the Tide- Sharing Conversations

During Homelessness Awareness Week, HarmonI are holding an interactive panel discussion with key stakeholders and those with lived experience of homelessness hosted by Gerry Skelton MBE. Together participants will try find common ground on how to ‘turn the tide’.  ...
Homeless, not Helpless- NIYF Social Media Campaign

Homeless, not Helpless- NIYF Social Media Campaign

During Homelessness Awareness Week, the NI Youth Forum will be running a social media campaign. This awareness raising campaign will highlight the issues young people are facing, positive project work and uplifting stories from young people about their personal...
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