Homeless Connect has joined with the Chartered Institute of Housing, Housing Rights and the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations in co-signing a letter to the Permanent Secretary of the Department for Communities regarding the budget allocation for 2023/4.
The letter outlines the deep concern of all four organisations regarding the proposed budget allocation to the Department for Communities for 2023/4. It highlights the impact the proposed cuts will have on the housing and homelessness sectors as well as those the sector seeks to support.
As the letter outlines: “As leaders of organisations with significant membership including housing associations, homelessness service providers, advice agencies and housing professionals it remains our strong belief that the proposed budget reductions will set be deeply damaging to some of the most vulnerable people living in this society. The proposed budget will set back progression of the NI Executive’s aim to promote wellbeing and will severely undercut the Department for Communities own strategic objectives.”
You can read the letter in full here.