Our Team
Homeless Connect relies on the dedication and commitment of its 27 staff and 70 volunteers to achieve its vision and deliver on its charitable purposes.
Our senior team is committed to ending homelessness. They work together to support staff and member organisations, representing the interests of the sector and leading on the delivery of direct services through key projects.

Nicola McCrudden
Chief Executive Officer

Paula Maskey
Head of Business Solutions

Declan McKillop
Head of Operations

Kathy Henry
Home Starter Pack Project Manager

Róisín Colohan
FareShare NI Operations Manager

Mark Baillie
Head of Policy and Programmes

Nicola McCrudden
Chief Executive Officer
Nicola joined us in 2020. She has worked in housing and homelessness for her entire career and believes in collaboration and the involvement of people with lived experience in ending homelessness.
Nicola has worked across Ireland and the UK where she has gained experience in governance, strategic and business planning, financial management, public policy, and research. Previously she was a senior associate with Campbell Tickell, Chartered Institute of Housing Director NI/ROI and Policy Manager with Housing Rights.
Nicola is studying a Masters Degree in Social Science Research.

Paula Maskey
Head of Business Solutions
Paula joined us in December 2023. She has nearly 20 years’ experience working and volunteering within the community sector including 10 years as Chair of The Bytes Project.
Professionally she has spent the last 10 years working within the field of medical research, where she collaborated with organisations on a global scale. Throughout this time she held various positions of increasing responsibility including Director of Communications and Recruitment.
These roles offered Paula the opportunity to gain extensive international experience in a range of areas including communications, HR, finance and project & strategic management. Paula has a MSc in Political Communication and Public Affairs.
Paula has oversight of the Business Solutions Team, which include HR, Finance, IT and Facilities. Paula ensures the organisation is compliant with all regulatory and legal obligations, whilst guaranteeing all policies and procedures are up to date and adhered to.

Declan McKillop
Head of Operations
Declan joined us in 2010 and brought with him international business experience in both Australia and America.
Passionate about food manufacturing and distribution, he was one of two people tasked with setting up the Fareshare Model in Northern Ireland.
He became FareShare NI Operations Manager in 2016 before taking on the role of as Head of Operations for FareShare NI and Starter Packs in 2023.
Declan is responsible for leading and delivering the FareShare NI and Home Starter Pack projects, ensuring all operations are upheld to the highest levels of health and safety. Whilst delivering innovative services, Declan maintains exceptional relationships with a variety of stakeholders.

Kathy Henry
Home Starter Pack Project Manager
Kathy has worked in the Homelessness Sector for over 21 years, volunteering with Homeplus Street Outreach and working within a family hostel.
She joined us in 2009 within the Substance Use Department, where she was responsible for the day-to-day administration of the project. She also delivered training and organised cross-sectoral placements between the homelessness sector and the addiction’s sector. Kathy took up the position of PA to the CEO in 2015 and in the same year helped to set up the Home Starter Pack Project.
In 2019 Kathy was appointed Manager of the Starter Pack project and leads our staff and volunteer team. As Manager of the Starter Pack project, Kathy monitors all project activities and their impact on service users whilst producing regular reports to funders and management. She is responsible for all procurement and purchasing of goods and establishing excellent relationships with suppliers.

Róisín Colohan
FareShare NI Operations Manager
Róisín joined the FareShare operations team as a Floor Supervisor in 2021. With a background in managing people and projects, and developing teams within the pharmaceutical and communications industries, she has combined this skillset with a genuine passion for helping those in need, to support the work of Fareshare and Homeless Connect.
Róisín was appointed Operations Manager in 2024. Róisín manages the day-to-day running of the FareShare NI warehouse and the food delivery service, ensuring all policies and procedures are compliant with FareShare UK. She is responsible for the recruitment and retention of Community Food Members.

Mark Baillie
Head of Policy and Programmes
Mark joined us in 2021. He studied Law with Politics at Queens University Belfast before going on to work for a social policy charity in Belfast.
Mark leads on our policy and public affairs work. He provides the secretariat for the All Party on Homelessness at the Northern Ireland Assembly and regularly engages with policymakers and elected representatives across the political spectrum on issues related to homelessness.

Cheryl Gamble
Membership Support Officer
Cheryl joined us in November 2020 following 13 years experience in research and fundraising within the voluntary sector.
She is responsible for overseeing the membership offering to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the sector.
Cheryl thrives on the impact that our member organisations are making in tackling homelessness, and ensuring that staff are supported through quality training programmes.