We seek to influence policy to prevent and alleviate homelessness in Northern Ireland

Through our policy work we represent the views of our members who provide a range of homelessness services, working collectively with Executive Departments, statutory bodies, elected representatives and civil society to develop policy and legislation that makes a difference to the lives of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.


Households in temporary accommodation in November 2024 (an almost 121% increase since January 2019)


Number of households on Waiting List for Social Housing 30 September (up 14% on 2014)


Children Accepted as Homeless (0-17) October 2023 to September 2024 


Number of households on social housing waiting list with homelessness status September 2024 (an increase of 150% on March 2014)

We influence and advise

Policy Forum

We operate a policy forum where members can share their views and help shape our engagement with government. We respond to public consultations and represent the sector on a range of policy working groups.

All-Party Group (APG) on Homelessness at the Assembly

Our work sees us tracking political developments at the Northern Ireland Assembly and keeping our members informed on policy changes that can directly help and support those they work with.

We also provide the Secretariat for the All-Party Group (APG) on Homelessness at the Assembly, which is an invaluable link between the homelessness sector and a cross-party group of MLAs who want to work collaboratively to prevent and reduce homelessness.

We believe in co-design, and work to involve service users in informing policy change through their lived experience of homelessness.

We influence and advise

We bring organisations together who share the same belief that homelessness is not an inevitable fact of life.

We need to engage effectively with government and civil society to ensure that the right legislative and policy frameworks are in place to support people experiencing homelessness and prevent it in society.

Influence alone is not enough and our work aims to ensure that adequate funding is allocated to targeted programmes that will achieve our vision of ending homelessness.

Northern Ireland should be a place known for how it supports individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

We believe this society should lead the way in how we support those who find themselves without a home.

Latest Policy Documents

Anti-Social Behaviour Consultation

VCS Infrastructure Support Consultation

Intermediate Rent Market Sounding Exercise

Submission to the Consultation on Changes to the Discretionary Support Scheme Draft EQIA

Free Period Products Consultation

Electoral Office Consultation on Revised Equality Action Plan for 2022-2027

Draft Supporting People Strategy 2022-2025

Draft Homelessness Strategy 2022-2027 Consultation

Submission to the Consultation on the Review of Urgent and Emergency Care Services

Draft Strategic Action Plan for Temporary Accommodation Consultation

Communities Committee Private Tenancies Bill Call for Evidence

Housing Supply Strategy

Homeless Connect Manifesto 2022 Assembly Election

Response to Notice to Quit Consultation

Submission to the Housing Supply Strategy Call for Evidence

Submission to the Mental Health Strategy 2021- 2031 Consultation

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