Homeless Connect ‘warmly welcomes’ proposed repeal of Vagrancy Acts

May 22, 2024

“Homeless Connect warmly welcomes the announcement by the Minister for Justice of her intention to repeal laws which currently criminalise rough sleeping. No-one should be criminalised simply for experiencing homelessness.

Homeless Connect ‘warmly welcomes’ proposed repeal of Vagrancy Acts

At the Assembly on Monday May 20, the Minister for Justice, Naomi Long MLA outlined her intention to repeal the relevant sections of the Vagrancy Act 1824 and the Vagrancy (Ireland) Act 1847 which criminalise rough sleeping in this Assembly mandate.

Nicola McCrudden, CEO of Homeless Connect, said:

“Homeless Connect warmly welcomes the announcement by the Minister for Justice of her intention to repeal laws which currently criminalise rough sleeping. No-one should be criminalised simply for experiencing homelessness. The time has come to repeal these provisions which are not fit for purpose and contribute to the stigma which surrounds homelessness. We welcome the progressive leadership of the Justice Minister on this matter and hope all parties at the Assembly will support this step.

I have written to the Minister to request a meeting to discuss the repeal of these provisions and to request that the Department looks to engage with people with lived experience of homelessness as they look to take this step. It is vital that these voices are heard in the legislative process on matters which impact on their lives.”

  1. Minister Long MLA outlined on the floor of the Assembly: “work on the review of the Vagrancy Act 1824 and the Vagrancy (Ireland) Act 1847 is ongoing. My intention is to repeal the provisions in those Acts that apply to Northern Ireland in the current mandate.” (p36)
  2. Section 4 of the Vagrancy Act 1824 and section 3 of the Vagrancy (Ireland) Act 1847 are the relevant sections of the Act related to rough sleeping.



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