Homeless Connect members have been telling us about the ongoing challenges they are facing with staff recruitment and retention. They are concerned about the potential negative impact this could have on service provision and on outcomes for service users.
Anecdotal evidence has highlighted several potential interrelated factors which are contributing to these challenges, including: staff pay; increasing complexity presented by the nature of the work; attractiveness of other roles/sectors; and the ongoing challenges presented by Covid-19. We have touched on some of these issues in recent blogs that you can read here, and here.
In response, Homeless Connect has commissioned Optimum Research and Innovation NI to carry out research into staffing issues across the homelessness sector in Northern Ireland.
Funded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the research is being overseen by the Homeless Sector Operational Group, convened by Homeless Connect.
The aim of this research is to generate comprehensive, up to date and reliable information on staffing within the homelessness sector in Northern Ireland. It will help to inform and address the future support needs and requirements for staff working in our sector.
You are invited to take part in this survey. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey will ask for key information vital to this research, e.g. what you enjoy about your job/ challenges faced etc. While we won’t ask for your name, we will require the name of the organisation for which you work.
You have until 5pm on Friday 15 May to take the survey, which can be found here.