Submission on the Justice Bill

Submission on the Justice Bill

Justice Committee Call for Evidence Homeless Connect has made a submission to the Justice Committee’s Call for Evidence on the Justice Bill. The Minister for Justice has indicated that she plans to bring forward amendments through this Bill to repeal two pieces...
Submission on the Vagrancy Acts

Submission on the Vagrancy Acts

The Consultation Homeless Connect has submitted our response to the Department of Justice’s Consultation on Repeal of the Vagrancy Act 1824 and the Vagrancy Act (Ireland) 1847. As part of a wider Justice Bill, the Minister for Justice is planning to repeal the...
Homeless Connect welcomes two new board members

Homeless Connect welcomes two new board members

Homeless Connect is pleased to announce that our board has recently added two new members. Following an open application process, Liam Hagan and Lee-Maria Hughes have been co-opted on to our board. Liam Hagan Liam comes to the board with twenty-five years of...
Working with Substance Use in a Homeless Setting

Working with Substance Use in a Homeless Setting

On Wednesday and Thursday, the 19th and 20th of February 2025 the Northern Ireland Frontline Network will be running an accredited course for frontline staff in the homelessness sector. Unfortunately, some people experiencing homelessness can be more susceptible to...
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