Staffing Changes at Homeless Connect

Staffing Changes at Homeless Connect

There have been three significant staffing changes at Homeless Connect in recent months. Head of Business Solutions Firstly, we are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Head of Business Solutions, Paula Maskey. Paula has nearly 20 years’ experience working...
Home- What does it mean to you?

Home- What does it mean to you?

Home. What does it mean to you? When we think of the issues facing those who experience homelessness the only solution can seem like the obvious one – more houses. If this is the solution, why does chronic homelessness exist? Surely if we just housed everyone that...
Maria Jennings CBE becomes Homeless Connect Chair

Maria Jennings CBE becomes Homeless Connect Chair

On Thursday 30th November, the board of Homeless Connect elected Maria Jennings CBE to serve as its Chairperson. She takes over the role from Liam Milligan, CEO of the Northwest Methodist Mission. Maria has been a member of the board since 2020. Prior to taking early...
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